Hi, I'm Lori New Here | Caregiver Action Network

New member here

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New member here

Hi, I'm Lori, and just found this site. My 14-year-old has been dealing with chronic illness for 2 years.  Last year she did home hospital school because she was not able to attend regular school, but this year she is attempting to go, with mixed results.  And last month, I moved my mother in with us, who is in the early stages of dementia, but it seems to be progressing quickly.  I also have a 12 year old and a 4 year old at home, and twice a week I babysit for my 3 year old granddaughter.  I'm a single mom.  Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed, but I just keep going.  I am looking for a place to vent my frustrations and fears, and hopefully get support and advice from other people who understand how I feel.  Thank you for reading this!