Caregiver for my sister | Caregiver Action Network

Caregiver for my sister

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Caregiver for my sister

Hello, I have been a caregiver for my sister for 16+ years, but now I'm facing more difficult circumstances. She had a stroke a few months ago and has been fighting multiple infections ever since. She is not mobile like she used to be and requires far more care than she ever has. Her caregiving has become exponentially harder because of this.

I hope to find the support I need on this forum since I don't have any family or other support structure to fall back on.

I am currently trying to find caregiver respite services in cases of emergency or just to catch a break from time to time. I've just started my search so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

I am so glad I found this forum. Looking forward to helping and being helped on this difficult journey.
