Overwhelmed and uncertain | Caregiver Action Network

Overwhelmed and uncertain

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Grammy2girls's picture
Overwhelmed and uncertain

Hi, everyone, I'm new to this forum. My husband was diagnosed with PD ten plus years ago but the last six months the he has really started to progress and decline.  There's so much with this disease that doesn't seem to have any answers and/or solutions. I feel like we are just going along in the dark and get small glimpses of relief.  Currently one of the problems he is having is with his stomach - very uncomfortable and bloated. We have addressed issues of constipation so wondering if there is something else connected to PD that involves the stomach.

Thanks for any insights or suggestions.

AHoll's picture
Dieting suggestion for PD

I would recommend transitioning him to a plant based diet if he isnt on one already. Lots of detoxing, cleansing, and yoga. My grandmother had the same issues and now has frequent bowel movements.