I'm looking for an original motherboard for a 2015 MacBook Pro 15" 2015 | Caregiver Action Network

I'm looking for an original motherboard for a 2015 MacBook Pro 15" 2015

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I'm looking for an original motherboard for a 2015 MacBook Pro 15" 2015

Hello! I'm looking for an original motherboard for a 2015 MacBook Pro 15" 2015. I need a 2.2GHz i7 model with 16GB RAM and integrated GPU. Part number 661-02524. Where can I buy it? Any useful information or recommendations would be appreciated!

wilnoah's picture
Good afternoon. To purchase

Good afternoon. To purchase an original motherboard for your 2015 MacBook Pro 15" 2.2GHz i7, 16GB RAM, Integrated GPU, part number 661-02524, you should contact a reliable original Apple parts supplier.

Perhaps you can recommend me

Perhaps you can recommend me a trusted supplier? Thanks for the help.

wilnoah's picture
To purchase an original

To purchase an original motherboard for the 2015 MacBook Pro 15" with part number 661 02524 and the specifications you want, such as a 2.2GHz i7, 16GB RAM and integrated GPU, I recommend checking out macnest.com. They specialize in replacement parts. for Apple devices and guarantee the originality of the product. There you can find the motherboard you need and purchase it at a reasonable price. Also, do not forget to check with the seller for information about the warranty and return of the product to be sure of the quality of your purchase. If you have any other questions. or need more information, don't hesitate to ask.

scuttles's picture
You might want to check out

You might want to check out reputable online marketplaces like eBay or Amazon for the specific motherboard model you need. Additionally, consider reaching out to authorized Apple service providers (like geometry dash) or specialized electronics repair shops that may have genuine parts available for purchase. Always double-check the seller's reputation and return policy to ensure you're getting a reliable product.