Giving Voice To Grief | Caregiver Action Network

Giving Voice To Grief

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Giving Voice To Grief

We’re excited to share that Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance has a new support group for caregivers - Giving Voice To Grief, for those coping with the loss of a parent to ovarian or gynecological cancer.  It is part of the Staying Connected Series : Living Well, New Diagnosis, Evolving Hope; and monthly, Relationships After Diagnosis, and Partners & Spouses, and Young Adults

Here is a description, timing and contact information:

Coping with the loss of a parent is hard, and can feel overwhelming, resulting in a wide range of emotions. And sharing experiences with others who have had a similar loss, can reduce loneliness, and cultivate meaning. Using a variety of expressive tools (writing, music, mindfulness meditation, etc.), this program will offer a way to explore, honor and live with the loss of a parent to ovarian or gynecological cancer.

This group is offered for Adult Children, who are grieving the death of a parent to ovarian and/or gynecological cancer. It is an inclusive, non-denominational, culturally, and religiously sensitive, weekly, 8-session, virtual support group. Registration is required. If interested, please contact

Best, Dilara