New to this forum, feeling exhausted | Caregiver Action Network

New to this forum, feeling exhausted

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New to this forum, feeling exhausted

Hello all! My husband had a TBI as a result of a downhill mountain bike crash. It took a while for the symptoms to show up so he carried on without even treating the injury. As time went on, many things showed up in his health and in the last five years it has been an ongoing battle. He had many terrible experiences with doctors and I know I said some stupid things and didn't always know how to help him, especially the emotional toll it took on him. I also had my life turned upside down because I quickly realized that I needed to dedicate a lot more time towards  his care and to keep up on my own. I have a thyroid condition so I can often get really exhausted anyhow, but when there are times that my husband gets really out of sorts a start to lose my way and feel very isolated. He can become combative in the middle of the night if I don't wake up or  can't figure out what he needs because he's losing his speech and having seizures now. We are both in our 40s and starting to realize that the simpler things in life are most important. In the last year, I have tried to set aside personal time so I can regain a little independence and find joy in my own hobbies. I will start to feel healthy and on track, but when he spirals down I find myself consumed by his needs and then depression follows. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!