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CAN Staff

Marvell Adams Jr., Chief Executive Officer

Mae-Beth LeGeyt, Chief of Staff

Derrick Goddard, Director of Caregiver Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Nichole Goble, Director of Community Initiatives

Chance Browning, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships and Communications

Jodi Koehn-Pike, Content Development Manager

Tara James, Business Manager

Solo Full-Time Caregiving for 5+ Years

In the time it took for a blood clot to travel from my Mother's heart to her brain, both of our lives changed.  Within a few short months, almost all friends, acquaintances and clergy had become scarcer than hen's teeth.  (Hens do not have teeth.)  Hence the term I coined: "Solo Full-Time Caregiving."  I was alone in my caregiving duty, and I did it full-time, with full-time meaning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  No days off for 5+ years.  After a year and a half or so, I did hire a lady to stay with Mom a couple of hours a day, usually twice a week.  Those were my hours away from the hous

How can I not give up?

I've cared for my husband for the past 8 years. During this time he's had TWO stem cell transplants, been to the brink of death multiple times and has many quality of life issues: loss of feeling in lower legs, loss of hearing, graft versus host disease in eyes, throat, and liver among other things. Despite all this he is resilient and the kindest man I know. Last week he was diagnosed with high risk prostate cancer. Selfishly, I am the one at the end of my rope, not him. I love my husband very much but I am angry that we are going down the cancer path again. This is overwhelming.


My husband had mixed dementia for 17 years. I've written essays about our experience; excerpts are posted on my website (www.love-in-the-time-of-dementia). The site also features photos and artwork.


My mom initally had a form of cancer. I took over all levels of care. Transporting to doctor weekly for radiation treatments, medical appointments, radiologist, oncologist and anything else. I travelled to work over an hours distance, each way. She eventually recovered (in remission) and went back home but i still have to oversee and take her to all medical appointments because she cannot do it. I have other siblings but nobody helps. She recently hurt herself and is back with me again. I am trying but i am so burnt out.

Thoughts of a Caregiver

I read all the books, I follow all the guidance, I try to learn everything I can. But certainly there’s no predicting any of it, not really. It certainly helps to know what you’re dealing with but please don’t think it can really help you be prepared. You can really never be prepared for the changes. It’s a lot like when the love of my life had terminal cancer for 5 years. I tried to think that somehow knowing was better than the sudden death that some people go through with their loved ones. I mean at least I got tell him I loved him.