Lighting Your Way: What Should I Tell the Doctor?
Dealing with the Behavioral Symptoms of Your Loved One's Dementia...
What Should I Tell the Doctor

About Hallucinations and Neuropsychiatric/behavioral Dementia?

Hallucinations and any other symptoms of neuropsychiatric/behavioral dementia: such as aggression, agitation, delusions, or paranoia—should be reported to your loved one’s doctor so he/she can determine the cause. 

Because symptoms such as agitation, aggressive behavior, and hallucinations can be the result of different causes, it is important that you describe the symptoms as accurately and fully as you can to the doctor. 

You will want to tell the doctor:

  •  what the symptoms are 

  • how often they occur

  • how long they have been happening

  • if they are changing in severity 

  • if there are any triggers you observe that seem to bring on the symptoms.

Remember that these symptoms can occur at any time during the stages of dementia—not just in the later stages of dementia.
