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Caregiver Connections: Just Keep Dancing

During National Hispanic Heritage Month, from September 15 – October 15, the U.S. celebrates the contributions of more than 60 million Hispanic Americans, Latinos, Latinas, and Latinx-identifying people to our culture and society. This is the story of Deborah, a Latinx woman who cared for her mother, who immigrated from Brazil. Deborah's mother was diagnosed with ALS in January 2020. She was given 2-5 years to live and passed away on March 27, 2022. 

Press Release: Caregiver Action Network Names Marvell Adams Jr. Next Chief Executive Officer

For release on: July 10, 2023



An Innovative, Action-Driven Champion of Caregivers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Caregiver Action Network, the nation’s leading organization supporting family caregivers, has selected Marvell Adams Jr. as its next Chief Executive Officer after a nationwide search.

Press Release: Help for Those Caring for a Loved One With a Traumatic Brain Injury

April 19, 2023

Washington, DC – CAN is pleased to announce the Traumatic Brain Injury Caregiving Puzzle—to support the needs of those caring for loved ones with a traumatic brain injury. The information we’ve assembled will help family caregivers assist their loved ones through the process of treatment and recovery while taking care of themselves as well. 

Caregiver Action Network Commends the White House for Taking Executive Action to Transform the Lives of Our Nation’s Family Caregivers

Today, April 18th, the White House issued a sweeping set of Executive Actions to support family caregivers and the paid care workforce. In response to President Biden’s Executive Orders to support family caregivers, Caregiver Action Network issued the following statement. 

What's Next After Caregiving?


When you lose a loved one, there is no one “right” way to grieve. There are some who talk about the “five stages of grief”—denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Others argue that these 5 stages are just suggestions, not a road map. Some people may skip right to anger. Someone else might get stuck in depression. Everyone grieves in their own way. Your grief is unique to you. 

Press Release: Let’s Give Thanks for Family Caregivers

As you visit your family this month and over the holidays, you may find that your plans change at the last minute. Maybe the location changes because your aunt’s mom had a stroke so she’s unable to host everyone at her house. You might be late for dinner because as you were leaving, your son called to say he broke his leg and needs to be picked up at the ER. Sometimes, #CaregivingHappens when you had other plans. It’s not always convenient or predictable.